Directed by Mannie Davis and John Foster in 1932, this film is actually an animated short, part of the early American animation era. Mannie Davis was known for his work in the animation industry, contributing significantly to the medium’s development during the early 20th century. John Foster, who often collaborated with Davis, was also an influential figure in animation, working with multiple studios and shaping early cartoon creations.
As for the plot, it revolves around a humorous and whimsical chase, typical of the slapstick comedy genre prevalent in the early animation period. The storyline likely involved a series of ridiculous and entertaining situations that the characters found themselves in, capturing the spirit of the times and appealing to audiences of all ages.
The characters in these early animations were often anthropomorphic animals, a popular choice that later influenced the development of iconic characters in American cartoons. While not widely recognized today, these early works by Davis and Foster played a crucial role in shaping the animation industry and paving the way for the more sophisticated and nuanced animated films that followed.