This 1935 animated short film, directed by Ub Iwerks, is part of his ComiColor Cartoons series. Iwerks, a pioneering animator and special effects innovator, was known for his significant contributions to early Walt Disney Studios, where he co-created Mickey Mouse and animated the first Mickey cartoon, "Steamboat Willie." After leaving Disney, Iwerks established his own studio and produced various animated works, including this particular short.The plot revolves around Simple Simon, a character famously derived from the Mother Goose nursery rhyme. The story follows Simon and his attempts to buy a pie from a pieman, leading to a series of humorous and whimsical events that showcase Iwerks’ animation prowess. The film is characteristic of the era, imbued with vibrant colors and imaginative visuals, thanks to the two-color Cinecolor process.While this particular short did not garner significant awards, Ub Iwerks’ body of work is highly revered in animation history. His technical skills and creative storytelling significantly influenced the industry’s early development. This film is a testament to his craft during a prolific period when animation was rapidly evolving into a major entertainment medium.