Directed by Ub Iwerks, Shamus Culhane, and Al Eugster, this 1935 animation is an engaging interpretation of the classic nursery rhyme "Old Mother Hubbard." Ub Iwerks is notably a pioneer in the field of animation, known for co-creating Mickey Mouse and his significant contributions to early Disney animations. Iwerks’s collaboration with Culhane and Eugster brings a unique blend of animation styles and storytelling techniques to this short film.The plot follows the whimsical storyline of Mother Hubbard going to her cupboard to find a bone for her dog, only to find it empty. This simple premise is expanded with humorous and fantastical sequences, featuring the character’s interactions with various anthropomorphic animals and enchanted objects. The animation is a significant example of early 20th-century techniques, showcasing the innovation and creativity of the time.Shamus Culhane and Al Eugster were both seasoned animators who contributed significantly to various iconic works in animation history. Culhane later worked on major projects with Walter Lantz Productions and is remembered for his contributions to Woody Woodpecker cartoons. Eugster’s career spanned several decades, with notable stints at Walt Disney Studios, Fleischer Studios, and Famous Studios. Together, these three directors ensured that the animated short stood out for its artistic quality and entertainment value.