Directed by Robert Scott Wildes in 2016, "Poor Boy" is an indie drama that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the American Dream. The film follows two misfit brothers, Romeo and Samson Griggs, who are living a nomadic and free-spirited life in the desert on the outskirts of Las Vegas. Their aimless existence is disrupted when they cross paths with a troubled young woman named Mariana, which leads them to contemplate the possibility of a future different from their current lifestyle. The film’s narrative construct is reflective and contemplative, posing deep questions about what it means to find one’s place in the world.The cast features Lou Taylor Pucci as Romeo and Dov Tiefenbach as Samson. Both deliver compelling performances that add depth to their characters. Lou Taylor Pucci has previously garnered attention for his performances in films like "Thumbsucker" and "Evil Dead," and he brings the same nuanced portrayal to his role in this film. Dov Tiefenbach complements Pucci’s performance with a similarly strong showing, bringing vulnerability and complexity to his character. The ensemble is further enriched by supporting performances from Michael Shannon, who plays the eccentric adult mentor, Detective Derek Busko.Robert Scott Wildes, marking his feature directorial debut with this film, manages to paint a vivid picture of isolation and marginalization. His direction is noted for its stark, poetic use of the desert landscape to mirror the internal lives of the characters. The story is layered with rich visuals and poignant moments, highlighting Wildes’ potential as a filmmaker to watch. The film debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival, where it received positive reviews for its strong performances, direction, and evocative storytelling.