Directed by Mike Jittlov, this film is a unique combination of fantasy, comedy, and autobiographical elements. Mike Jittlov, a special effects wizard and filmmaker, serves not only as the director but also the protagonist of the movie. The storyline revolves around a special effects artist, also named Mike Jittlov, who is trying to navigate the challenging and often absurd world of Hollywood movie production. The film cleverly addresses the struggles and triumphs of independent filmmaking, punctuated with Jittlov’s trademark special effects and innovative stop-motion animation.The cast features several of Jittlov’s friends and fellow filmmakers, contributing to the film’s distinct amateur yet passionate feel. Alongside Mike Jittlov, who plays himself, the cast includes Richard Kaye as Harvey Bookman, a beleaguered producer, and Phil Kaye as the head of a duplicitous studio. The actors bring a layer of authenticity and enthusiasm that complements the film’s behind-the-scenes look at the independent film industry.Despite its niche appeal, the movie has garnered a cult following over the years. It is praised for its imaginative special effects, whimsical yet incisive narrative, and Jittlov’s undeniable passion for the craft of filmmaking. Although it did not achieve mainstream commercial success, its inventive use of visual effects and its loving satire of the movie business has made it a beloved classic among indie film enthusiasts and special effects aficionados.