This 2006 Egyptian film, directed by Wael Ihsan, falls into the genre of comedy-drama and delves into the intricacies of modern relationships and social issues in Egypt. Wael Ihsan, a well-known Egyptian director, has a reputation for his adept handling of socially relevant themes while maintaining an accessible and engaging narrative style. His direction often bridges the gap between entertainment and social commentary, making his films popular among a wide audience.The cast of the film includes some notable Egyptian actors, such as Fathi Abdel Wahab, Zeina, and Talaat Zakaria. Fathi Abdel Wahab, known for his versatility and strong screen presence, brings depth to his role, making the character relatable and memorable. Zeina, a prominent actress in the Egyptian film industry, adds charm and sensitivity to her performance. Talaat Zakaria, with his comedic timing, provides a perfect balance to the film’s more serious moments, ensuring that the narrative remains engaging and entertaining.The plot centers around the everyday life struggles and triumphs of an average Egyptian family, exploring themes such as love, loyalty, social expectations, and personal ambition. It is a reflection of societal issues and personal dilemmas that resonate with the audience, offering both humorous and poignant moments. The film’s storyline is enriched by the cultural context, providing a glimpse into the dynamics of Egyptian society and family life. With its engaging performances and thought-provoking narrative, the film remains a notable work in Wael Ihsan’s directorial career.