Directed by Jim Drake, this 1989 action-comedy film is a continuation of the popular "Cannonball Run" series. The plot revolves around an illegal cross-country car race, packed with slapstick humor and high-speed chases. Jim Drake, known for his work in television comedy directing episodes for shows like "Night Court" and "The Golden Girls," brought his comedic sensibilities to the big screen with this project.The cast includes an eclectic mix of comedians and actors such as John Candy, Eugene Levy, and Joe Flaherty, along with appearances by racing legends like Michael Andretti and record-breaking ex-race car driver Brock Yates. John Candy, a comedy heavyweight of his time, provided much of the film’s humor with his over-the-top antics and physical comedy. Eugene Levy and Joe Flaherty, both alums of the Canadian sketch comedy show "SCTV," added to the film’s comedic ensemble, bringing a unique blend of wit and improvisational charm.While the film did not win any major awards, it retains a certain cult status among fans of car-racing comedies. Its high-speed car sequences and comedic bits made it a memorable entry in the genre, if not critically acclaimed. The movie also featured an array of exotic cars, which have always been a significant draw for enthusiasts of the "Cannonball Run" series. It continues to be a fun watch for those who appreciate the combination of fast cars and light-hearted humor.