Directed by Jodi Scurfield, this 2018 action-crime thriller dives into the tumultuous life of speedboat racing champion and multimillionaire, Ben Aronoff. Portrayed by John Travolta, Aronoff’s life is a high-speed blend of glamour, wealth, and danger as he becomes entangled with both the law and organized crime. The film captures his rise to success and his subsequent struggle to balance his business with the perilous association to the underworld.Jodi Scurfield, relatively new to the directing scene, brings a fresh and gripping style to the movie. Known for his storytelling and visual approach, Scurfield effectively combines intense action sequences with dramatic narrative elements to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. The balance of thrilling chases and the heavy personal stakes gives an insight into the risky allure of Aronoff’s lifestyle, adding depth to the high-octane plot.The cast also includes notable names such as Katheryn Winnick, who plays Emily Gowen, and Jennifer Esposito as Kathy Aronoff, adding layers of complexity to Ben’s relationships. The strong performances of the supporting actors enhance the film’s dynamic energy and emotional weight. Additionally, the film features Kellan Lutz as Robbie Reemer, further enriching the plot with intriguing character arcs and interactions. While not a major contender in the award circuit, the film captured a niche audience with its thrilling story and Travolta’s compelling portrayal.