This 2009 film is a gritty drama directed by Buddy Giovinazzo, known for his unflinching portrayal of urban despair. The film is based on Giovinazzo’s own novel and showcases his skill in depicting bleak and haunting narratives. Giovinazzo has a penchant for exploring the darker side of human nature and society, often focusing on subjects like poverty, addiction, and violence.The film features an ensemble cast including Evan Ross, Kerry Washington, and Brandon Routh. Evan Ross brings depth to his portrayal of Romeo, a young man struggling to survive in an unforgiving environment. Kerry Washington delivers a powerful performance as Marybeth, a pre-op trans woman working the streets. Brandon Routh, often recognized for his role in "Superman Returns," plays the part of Sizemore, showcasing his range in tackling more complex and darker roles. The cast’s commitment to their characters adds a profound sense of realism to the film.The plot revolves around the harsh lives of several residents in a crime-ridden city. The characters’ lives are interwoven, depicting a landscape marked by drugs, prostitution, and violence. Each storyline provides a glimpse into the personal struggles and the sense of hopelessness that pervades their world. The film received attention for its raw and unfiltered storytelling, although it did not garner major awards. It remains a striking exploration of the very real and often ignored issues faced by marginalized communities.