Directed by Robert Scheerer, the 1973 telefilm "Poor Devil" features an intriguing mix of comedy and supernatural elements. The film stars notable actors such as Sammy Davis Jr., Christopher Lee, and Jack Klugman. Sammy Davis Jr. plays the character of Sammy, a down-on-his-luck demon who is trying to make his mark in the underworld by delivering a soul to his boss. Christopher Lee, an actor renowned for his roles in horror films, plays Lucifer, who is Sammy’s demanding and impatient superior. Jack Klugman portrays Burnett J. Emerson, the human whose soul Sammy is trying to capture.Robert Scheerer, a prolific director primarily known for his work in television, brings his expertise to this humorous and inventive narrative. Scheerer has a notable directing career which includes episodes of popular TV series such as "Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Fame," and "The Love Boat." His ability to navigate different genres and mix elements of comedy with supernatural themes makes this TV movie an interesting exploration of good versus evil with a lighter touch.Although "Poor Devil" did not garner major awards, it holds a place in pop culture as a reflection of 1970s television entertainment and an example of the unique projects that emerged from the era. The film’s combination of a strong cast, a skillful director, and a playful script contribute to its status as a cult classic. Sammy Davis Jr.’s charismatic performance and Christopher Lee’s imposing presence offer a memorable experience for audiences, positioning it as a noteworthy entry in the careers of both actors and the director.