Directed by Dave Fleischer and Willard Bowsky, the short film "Small Fry" is a classic piece of animation from 1939. Known for their contributions to the Golden Age of American Animation, Fleischer and Bowsky played significant roles in shaping animation techniques that influenced future generations. Dave Fleischer was particularly noted for his work on Betty Boop and Popeye the Sailor series, while Willard Bowsky was a talented animator and director within the same studio, Fleischer Studios.
The film features prominent animated characters, including Little Audrey, a curious and adventurous young girl. In "Small Fry," Audrey’s father takes her on a fishing trip. However, driven by curiosity and empathy for the fish, Audrey gets into a whimsical underwater adventure after she daydreams about being a fish herself. Filled with the unique humor and surrealistic elements typical of Fleischer Studios, the film combines entertaining slapstick sequences with imaginative underwater scenes.
Although "Small Fry" did not win any major awards, it is still notable for its creativity and innovation in animation. The short exemplifies the detailed and fluid animation style for which Fleischer Studios was famous. The underwater scenes, in particular, showcase the artistic skill and technical prowess of the animators. As part of the Fleischer canon, this short contributes to the studio’s enduring legacy in the world of animated filmmaking.