This animated crossover film brings together the beloved characters of the Scooby-Doo franchise with WWE Superstars in an action-packed mystery. The plot follows Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, and the rest of the Mystery Inc. gang as they attend an off-road racing competition sponsored by WWE, only to find themselves confronting a mysterious phantom racer known as Inferno who is wreaking havoc on the event. As expected, the team has to use their unique skills and detective prowess to uncover the identity of Inferno and solve the mystery.The film features voice contributions from both the original Scooby-Doo cast and a lineup of WWE wrestlers, enhancing its appeal to fans of both franchises. Frank Welker voices Scooby-Doo and Fred Jones, Grey Griffin voices Daphne Blake, Matthew Lillard voices Shaggy Rogers, and Kate Micucci voices Velma Dinkley. Notable WWE personalities lending their voices include The Undertaker, Triple H, Paige, and Sheamus, adding a layer of authenticity and excitement for WWE fans.The film is directed by a team of seasoned animation directors including Tim Divar, Dong Won Jung, Young Won Jung, Jinsung Kim, and Brandon Vietti. Tim Divar has worked extensively in animation and is known for his work on the "Teen Titans" series. Brandon Vietti, a particularly prominent name among them, is known for his work on "Batman: Under the Red Hood" and "Young Justice," ensuring that the film benefits from experienced and talented directors well-versed in bringing animated characters to life in dynamic and engaging ways.