Directed by Taichi Ishidate and Yasuhiro Takemoto, "High Speed! Free! Starting Summer" is a Japanese animated film that premiered in 2015. The film is a prequel to the well-known "Free!" anime series, which focuses on the lives of a group of young swimmers. This particular entry in the franchise delves into the middle school experiences of the main characters, offering fans a deeper understanding of their backgrounds and the roots of their strong friendships and competitive spirit.The narrative primarily follows Haruka Nanase and Makoto Tachibana as they transition into their middle school years. During this period, they join the Iwatobi Swim Club and meet new characters, including Asahi Shiina and Ikuya Kirishima, who will become integral parts of their swimming journey. The film explores themes of friendship, teamwork, and personal growth against the backdrop of competitive swimming.Yasuhiro Takemoto, co-director of the film, was a prolific figure in the anime industry known for his work on series like "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya" and "Hyouka." Taichi Ishidate, the other co-director, is also recognized for his work in the animation field, particularly his role in directing "Violet Evergarden." The voice cast includes familiar names from the "Free!" series such as Nobunaga Shimazaki (Haruka Nanase) and Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Makoto Tachibana), who bring these beloved characters to life with their compelling performances.