Directed by Carl Urbano, "Destination Earth" is a 1956 animated short film produced by the American Petroleum Institute. The film serves as a piece of pro-petroleum propaganda, illustrating the benefits and necessity of oil in a capitalist society. It features a narrative where Martians travel to Earth to learn the secrets behind its advanced civilization and discover that oil is the key to technological and economic prosperity.
Carl Urbano, the director, was a renowned animator and director known for his work with Hanna-Barbera Productions. Throughout his career, Urbano had a significant role in creating numerous animated series and films, contributing to the golden age of American animation. His direction in "Destination Earth" effectively combines educational content with humorous animation to communicate its message.
The cast of characters in "Destination Earth" includes anthropomorphized Martians and Earthlings, voiced by talented voice actors of the era. The short is noteworthy for its clean, vibrant animation style and its use of humor and satire to convey complex industrial concepts. Although not widely recognized as a commercial success, its distinct style and clear messaging have made it a subject of study for those interested in animation history and propaganda films.